I. ˈgiv verb
( gave ˈgāv ; giv·en ˈgi-vən ; giv·ing )
Etymology: Middle English, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Swedish giva to give; akin to Old English giefan, gifan to give, and perhaps to Latin habēre to have, hold
Date: 13th century
transitive verb
1. : to make a present of
give a doll to a child
a. : to grant or bestow by formal action
the law give s citizens the right to vote
b. : to accord or yield to another
gave him her confidence
a. : to put into the possession of another for his or her use
gave me his phone number
(1) : to administer as a sacrament
(2) : to administer as a medicine
c. : to commit to another as a trust or responsibility and usually for an expressed reason
d. : to transfer from one's authority or custody
the sheriff gave the prisoner to the warden
e. : to execute and deliver
all employees must give bond
f. : to convey to another
give them my regards
a. : to offer to the action of another : proffer
gave her his hand
b. : to yield (oneself) to a man in sexual intercourse
a. : to present in public performance
give a concert
b. : to present to view or observation
gave the signal to start
6. : to provide by way of entertainment
give a party
7. : to propose as a toast
a. : to designate as a share or portion : allot
all the earth to thee and to thy race I give — John Milton
b. : to make assignment of (a name)
c. : to set forth as an actual or hypothetical datum
give the dimensions of the room
d. : to attribute in thought or utterance : ascribe
gave the credit to you
a. : to yield as a product, consequence, or effect : produce
cows give milk
84 divided by 12 give s 7
b. : to bring forth : bear
a. : to yield possession of by way of exchange : pay
b. : to dispose of for a price : sell
a. : to deliver by some bodily action
gave him a push
b. : to carry out (as a bodily movement)
gave a cynical smile
c. : to inflict as punishment
d. : to award by formal verdict
judgment was given against the plaintiff
12. : to offer for consideration, acceptance, or use
give s no reason for his absence
a. : to suffer the loss of : sacrifice
b. : to offer as appropriate or due especially to something higher or more worthy
gave his spirit to God
c. : to apply freely or fully : devote
gave themselves to their work
d. : to offer as a pledge
I give you my word
a. : to cause one to have or receive
mountains always gave him pleasure
b. : to cause a person to catch by contagion, infection, or exposure
a. : to allow one to have or take
give me time
b. : to lead or attempt to lead — used with an infinitive
you gave me to understand you'd be late
16. : to care to the extent of
didn't give a hoot
intransitive verb
1. : to make gifts or presents
a. : to yield to physical force or strain
b. : to collapse from the application of force or pressure
c. : to undergo or submit to change
for the strike to be settled, something has to give
3. : to afford a view or passage : open
the window give s onto the terrace
4. : to enter wholeheartedly into an activity
5. slang : to be happening
wants to know what give s
- give a good account of
- give birth
- give birth to
- give chase
- give ground
- give of
- give or take
- give place to
- give rise to
- give the gun
- give the lie to
- give tongue
- give way
give , present , donate , bestow , confer , afford mean to convey to another as a possession. give , the general term, is applicable to any passing over of anything by any means
give alms
gave her a ride on a pony
give my love to your mother
present carries a note of formality and ceremony
present an award
donate is likely to imply a publicized giving (as to charity)
donate a piano to the orphanage
bestow implies the conveying of something as a gift and may suggest condescension on the part of the giver
bestow unwanted advice
confer implies a gracious giving (as of a favor or honor)
confer an honorary degree
afford implies a giving or bestowing usually as a natural or legitimate consequence of the character of the giver
the trees afford shade
a development that affords us some hope
II. noun
Date: 1868
1. : capacity or tendency to yield to force or strain : flexibility
2. : the quality or state of being springy