Meaning of GLOSS in English

Synonyms and related words :

abuse of terms, acting, affectation, afterglow, air glow, alibi, allowance, amplification, analysis, annotate, annotation, apology, apparatus criticus, appearance, apply paint, attitudinizing, bedaub, bedizen, begild, belie, besmear, bilingual text, biographical dictionary, blind, bluff, bluffing, brightness, brush on paint, buff, burnish, butter, calcimine, camouflage, candescence, catachresis, cheating, chemical dictionary, clavis, cloak, coat, color, coloring, comment, comment upon, commentary, commentate, commentation, complexion, conceal, contort, contorting, cover, cover story, cover up, cover-up, creamy, crib, critical review, criticism, criticize, critique, cursoriness, dab, daub, deception, decipherment, decoding, decontamination, deep-dye, define, definition, delicate, delusion, desk dictionary, device, dialect dictionary, dictionary, dictionary of quotations, dip, disguise, dissemblance, dissembling, dissimulation, distemper, distort, distortion, double-dye, dress up, dye, edit, editorial, eggshell, eisegesis, electronics dictionary, elucidate, elucidation, embellish, emblazon, embroider, enamel, engild, epidermis, error, etymological dictionary, excuse, exegesis, explain, explanation, explicate, explication, extenuating circumstances, extenuation, extenuative, exteriority, facade, face, faithful translation, fakery, faking, false air, false appearance, false front, false show, falsify, falsity, fast-dye, feigning, feint, finish, flat, flush, footnote, foreign-language dictionary, four-flushing, fraud, free translation, fresco, front, fudge, furbish, garble, garbling, gazetteer, general dictionary, geological dictionary, get one wrong, get wrong, gild, gilding, gilt, glance, glaze, gleam, glint, gloss, gloss over, glossary, glossiness, glow, gradus, grain, guise, handle, hide, hue, humbug, humbuggery, illuminate, imbue, imposture, incandescence, ingrain, interlinear, interlinear translation, interpret, interpretation, iridescent, japan, key, lacquer, lame excuse, lay on, lay on color, leader, leading article, lexicon, light, locus standi, loose translation, luster, make an edition, malentendu, malobservation, mask, masquerade, mellow, mere scratch, meretriciousness, metaphrase, misapplication, misapply, misapprehend, misapprehension, miscitation, miscite, miscolor, misconceive, misconception, misconstruction, misconstrue, misdeem, misexplain, misexplanation, misexplicate, misexplication, misexposition, misexpound, misintelligence, misinterpret, misinterpretation, misjudge, misjudgment, misquotation, misquote, misread, misreading, misrender, misrendering, misreport, misrepresent, misstate, mistake, mistranslate, mistranslation, misunderstand, misunderstanding, misuse of words, mitigation, mother-of-pearl, nacreous, no depth, no water, nomenclator, notation, note, note of explanation, notice, onomasticon, opalescent, ostensible motive, ostentation, outward show, overstate, paint, pale, palliation, palliative, paraphrase, parget, pastel, patina, patinaed, pearly, perversion, pervert, phrase book, pigment, pinprick, playacting, polish, polyglot dictionary, pony, poor excuse, pose, posing, posture, pretense, pretension, pretext, prime, protestation, public motive, put-off, qualification, quiet, refuge, remark, remark upon, report, representation, restatement, review, rewording, rhyming dictionary, rind, rub, running commentary, sad, scholium, science dictionary, scour, scratch, screen, seeming, semblance, semigloss, shade, shadow, shallowness, sham, sheen, shellac, shine, shininess, shining light, shoaliness, show, silkiness, simple, simulacrum, simulation, skin, skylight, slang dictionary, slant, slap on, slather, sleek, sleekness, slick, slick down, slickness, slightness, slop on paint, smear, smear on, smoke screen, smooth over, sober, soft, soft-colored, soft-hued, softened, softening, somber, specialized dictionary, speciousness, spread on, spread with, squeeze, squeezing, stain, stalking-horse, stipple, strain, strain the sense, stratagem, subdued, subterfuge, subtle, sunset glow, superficiality, superficies, surface, sweet, synonym dictionary, synonymy, tar, tender, thesaurus, tinct, tincture, tinge, tint, titivate, tone, torture, torturing, transcription, translate, translation, transliteration, treasury of words, trick, trick out, triviality, trot, twist, twist the words, twisting, unabridged dictionary, undercoat, understate, varnish, veil, veneer, vocabulary, wash, wax, whitewash, whitewashing, window dressing, word of explanation, wordbook, wrench, wrenching, write-up

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