Synonyms and related words :
French door, angle, archway, autolithograph, back door, barway, be a printmaker, be born, be gravid, be illegitimate, be knocked up, be pregnant, be with child, beget, blaze, blaze a trail, blemish, blotch, brand, breed, brew, bring forth, bring into being, brood, bulkhead, cabal, call into being, carriage entrance, carry, carry young, cartoon, carve, cause, cellar door, cellarway, chalk, chalk up, character, charcoal, check, check off, chisel, cicatrize, clutch, coin, collude, color, come forth, complot, conceit, conceive, conceptualize, concoct, connive, conspire, contrive, cook up, copy, counterfeit, countermine, counterplot, cover, crayon, crease, create, cribble, crosshatch, culture, cut, dapple, dash, dash off, daub, define, delimit, delineate, demarcate, depict, design, develop, devise, diagram, discolor, discover, doodle, door, doorjamb, doorpost, doorway, dot, draft, draw, dream up, enchase, engender, engineer, engrave, evolve, experience imaginatively, fabricate, fake, fancy, fantasize, farm, farrow, father, fatten, feed, fictionalize, finagle, finesse, fleck, forge, formulate, frame, frame up, freckle, front door, fry, fudge, furrow, gash, gate, gatepost, gateway, generate, gestate, get, get up, give being to, give rise to, grave, groove, grow, hatch a plot, hatch up, hatchway, have birth, hoke up, ideate, imagine, impress, imprint, improvise, incise, incubate, induce, inscribe, intrigue, invent, issue forth, keep, lay a plot, limn, line, lintel, lithograph, litter, machinate, make, make a mark, make do with, make prints, make up, maneuver, manufacture, mark, mark off, mark out, mature, mint, mold, mottle, nest, nick, notch, nurture, occasion, operate, originate, paint, paint a picture, parent, pencil, pepper, picture, picturize, plan, plot, point, porch, portal, porte cochere, portray, postern, prick, print, procreate, produce, propylaeum, provoke, punch, punctuate, puncture, pylon, raise, ranch, rear, riddle, rig, run, scar, scarify, scheme, score, scotch, scrape, scratch, sculpture, scumble, scuttle, seal, seam, set, shade, shape, side door, sire, sit, sketch, spat, spawn, speck, speckle, splotch, spot, stain, stamp, stencil, stigmatize, stile, stipple, storm door, streak, striate, strike out, stripe, suppose, tattoo, think out, think up, threshold, tick, tick off, tint, tollgate, tool, trace, trap, trap door, trump up, turnpike, turnstile, underline, underscore, wangle, work up, young