Synonyms and related words :
Le Mans, adjoin, air race, ambit, anteriority, apparel, applique, arch over, array, attire, automobile race, babble, be the bellwether, beacon, beat, bedeck, bedrape, befringe, bestraddle, bestride, beverage, bib, bicycle race, bind, boat race, bold front, border, bound, box, brave face, brave front, breath, bridge, brush, bubble, bumper, bundle, bundle up, burble, caress, case, catch up with, circle, circuit, circuiteer, circulate, circumambulate, circummigrate, circumnavigate, circumvent, close, close the circle, clothe, coat, coating, collop, come full circle, come up to, come up with, compass, compass about, contact, contest of speed, covering, cuddle, cut, cutaneous sense, cycle, dash, deal, deck, derby, describe a circle, dight, disk, display, dog race, draft, drag race, drain the cup, dram, drape, drench, dress, drink, drink bottoms-up, drink deep, drink hard, drink off, drink up, dud, edge, embay, embosom, embox, embrace, encapsulate, encase, encircle, enclasp, enclose, enclothe, encompass, endue, endurance race, enfold, enframe, enrobe, enshroud, envelop, environ, enwrap, extend over, facade, face, facet, facia, feel, feeling, feuille, film, fingertip caress, flank, flap, flick, fly, foil, fold, follow strong drink, footrace, fore, forefront, foreground, forehand, foreland, forepart, forequarter, foreside, foreword, frame, fringe, front, front elevation, front man, front matter, front page, front view, frontage, frontal, frontier, frontispiece, full circle, gain on, gain upon, garb, gargle, garment, get ahead of, get before, girdle, girdle the globe, glance, go about, go around, go before, go round, go the round, graze, grog, guggle, guide, gulp, gurgle, guzzle, gyre, habilitate, hand-mindedness, hang over, have the start, head, head the line, heading, heat, hem, hurdle race, imbibe, imbricate, imbrication, invest, involve, jut, kiss, knock back, lambency, lamella, lamina, laminated glass, laminated wood, lap over, lap up, lapping, lave, lead, lead the dance, lead the way, leaf, leave behind, leave standing, libation, lick, lie over, light the way, light touch, line, lip, list, loop, make a circuit, marathon, marathon race, march, marge, margin, marginate, match race, membrane, motorcycle race, mouth, muffle up, nestle, nip, nuzzle, obstacle race, obverse, orbit, outpace, outrun, outsail, outstrip, overarch, overhang, overhaul, overlap, overlapping, overlay, overlayer, overlie, override, overtake, pace, pack, package, pane, panel, pass, patina, peel, peg, pellicle, plait, plank, plash, plate, plating, ply, plywood, portion, potation, potato race, precede, preface, prefix, priority, proscenium, pull, purfle, purl, quaff, race, rag out, raiment, rasher, regatta, relay, relay race, revolution, revolve, ride, rim, ripple, road race, robe, round, round trip, rounds, rub, run, sack race, safety glass, scum, sense of touch, set off, set the pace, sheathe, sheet, shingle, shroud, side, sip, skin, skirt, slab, slat, slice, slosh, slurp, smother, snort, snuggle, soak, soak up, span, spearhead, speedway race, spiral, splash, sponge up, sprint, sprint race, stand first, stock-car race, stroke, suck, sup, surround, swaddle, swash, swathe, swig, swill, swish, table, tablet, tactile sense, taction, take the lead, tap, tentative poke, three-legged race, tipple, tire, tongue, tope, torch race, toss down, toss off, tot, touch, tour, track race, trill, trim, turn, veneer, verge, wafer, walk, wash, washing, wheel, whisper, window dressing, wrap, wrap about, wrap up, yacht race