Synonyms and related words :
abundant, adorable, adorned, agreeable, alcohol, ambrosial, befrilled, bibber, blooming, booze, boozehound, boozer, bottle sucker, bountiful, budge, bum, bursting, bursting out, chug, chug-a-lug, colored, copious, creative, dainty, decorated, delectable, delicate, delicious, delightful, deluxe, dense, drink, drunk, elaborate, elbow bender, embellished, embroidered, epicurean, exquisite, extravagant, exuberant, fancy, fecund, fertile, festooned, figurative, figured, firewater, florid, flourishing, flowery, fresh, fructiferous, fruitful, generous, ginhound, good, good to eat, good-tasting, green, grog, gross, gustable, gusty, heavenly, heavy, hooch, hooch hound, impenetrable, inebriate, juicy, jungled, jungly, lavish, likable, liquor, liquor up, luscious, lusher, luxuriant, luxurious, moist, mouth-watering, nectareous, nectarous, nice, of gourmet quality, opulent, ornate, overcharged, overgrown, overloaded, overrun, palatable, palatial, pleasing, plenteous, plentiful, plush, pregnant, prodigal, productive, profusive, proliferous, prolific, purple, raise the elbow, rank, rich, riotous, ripe, ritzy, rum hound, rummy, sapid, savorous, savory, scrumptious, seminal, sensual, soak, sot, souse, sponge, stew, succulent, sumptuous, superabundant, swarming, swig, swill, swillbelly, swillbowl, swillpot, tank up, tasty, teeming, thick, thriving, tipple, tippler, toothsome, uberous, unweeded, verdant, voluptuous, weed-choked, weed-ridden, weedy, wino, yummy