Synonyms and related words :
ambivert, atrabiliar, atrabilious, blase, blue, brooder, choleric, cycloid, cyclothyme, cyclothymic, depressing, depressive, dispirited, ectomorph, endomorph, extrovert, fed-up, funky, gloomy Gus, good and tired, introvert, irked, jaded, joyless, life-weary, melancholiac, melancholy, mesomorph, mope, pensive, phlegmatic, sad, saddening, sanguine, satiated, schizoid, schizothyme, sick, sick of, sourpuss, splenetic, syntone, tired, tired of, tired of living, tired to death, triste, tristful, wearied, weariful, weary, weary unto death, wistful, world-weary