Meaning of MELANCHOLIC in English

I. |melən|kälik, -älēk adjective

Etymology: Middle English melancolik, from Middle French melancolique, from Latin melancholicus, from Greek melancholikos, from melancholia melancholy + -ikos -ic — more at melancholy

1. obsolete

a. : of, relating to, being, or associated with the presence or secretion of black bile

b. : causing or constituting the melancholy that is associated with disordered secretion of black bile

2. : given to or affected with melancholy : subject to depression of spirits : depressed

3. : affected with, like, or relating to melancholia

4. : tending to depress the spirits : saddening

this melancholic view of our future

• mel·an·chol·i·cal·ly -älə̇k(ə)lē, -älēk-, -li adverb

II. noun

( -s )

1. obsolete

a. : melancholy

b. : a melancholy person

2. : melancholiac

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