Synonyms and related words :
acme, act like, adumbrate, affect, antetype, antitype, ape, apotheosis, appear like, approach, approximate, archetype, assume, be like, be redolent of, bear resemblance, beau ideal, best type, biotype, body forth, borrow, bring to mind, call to mind, call up, cheval glass, chorus, classic, classic example, come close, come near, compare with, concave mirror, convex mirror, copy, correspond, counterfeit, crib, criterion, cynosure, demonstrate, depict, distorting mirror, ditto, do, do like, echo, ego ideal, emblematize, embody, epitome, epitomize, evoke, example, exemplar, exemplify, fake, favor, figure, follow, foreshadow, forge, fugleman, fugler, genotype, glass, go like, good example, hand mirror, hero, hoke, hoke up, ideal, illustrate, image, imitate, imitatee, impersonate, incarnate, lead, look like, looking glass, make like, man of men, masterpiece, masterwork, match, mimic, mirror image, model, near, nearly reproduce, nonpareil, not tell apart, original, paradigm, paragon, parallel, partake of, pattern, pattern of perfection, personate, personify, picture, pier glass, plagiarize, precedent, prefigure, pretypify, project, prototype, quintessence, realize, rear-view mirror, reecho, reflect, reflection, reflector, remind one of, repeat, replication, represent, representation, representative, reproduce, reproduction, resemble, rule, savor of, seeing glass, seem like, send back, shadow, shadow forth, shaving mirror, shining example, simulate, smack of, sound like, speculum, stack up with, standard, suggest, symbolize, take after, type, type species, type specimen, typify, urtext, very model, window mirror