Synonyms and related words :
Olympian, aloof, altruistic, backward, bashful, becoming, betwixt and between, blank, boggling, budget, cheap, chilled, chilly, clean, cold, committed, common, consecrated, constrained, cool, coy, decent, decorous, dedicated, delicate, demeaning, demure, demurring, detached, devoted, diffident, disadvantaged, discreet, disinterested, distant, dry, dull, easy, economic, economy, elegant, expressionless, fair, fair to middling, fairish, faltering, forbidding, frigid, frosty, frugal, guarded, hesitant, hesitating, homely, humble, humble-looking, humble-visaged, humblest, icy, immaculate, impassive, impersonal, in the shade, inaccessible, inconspicuous, indifferent, inexpensive, inferior, infra dig, inglorious, innocuous, insipid, introverted, junior, lackluster, least, less, lesser, limited, low, low-priced, lower, lowest, lowliest, lowly, manageable, mean, mediocre, medium, meek, middling, minor, moderate, namby-pamby, nice, nominal, of a kind, of a sort, of sorts, offish, ordinary, passable, plain, poor, priggish, prim, prissy, proper, prudish, pure, puritanical, qualmish, reasonable, reluctant, remote, removed, repressed, reserved, respectable, restrained, restricted, reticent, retiring, sacrificing, scrupulous, second rank, second string, secondary, seemly, self-abasing, self-abnegating, self-abnegatory, self-conscious, self-denying, self-devoted, self-effacing, self-forgetful, self-immolating, self-neglectful, self-neglecting, self-renouncing, self-sacrificing, self-unconscious, selfless, sensible, servile, shabby, shoddy, shrinking, shy, silent, simple, small, so-so, spotless, squeamish, stainless, standoff, standoffish, stickling, straitlaced, stuffy, sub, subaltern, subdued, subject, subordinate, subservient, suppressed, teachable, tedious, temperate, third rank, third string, timid, timorous, token, tolerable, unacquisitive, unaffable, unambitious, unapproachable, unaspiring, unassertive, unassuming, unassured, unblemished, unboastful, uncongenial, undefiled, undemonstrative, underprivileged, understated, undistinguished, unelaborate, unembellished, unexaggerated, unexceptional, unexpansive, unexpensive, ungenial, unimportant, unimposing, unobtrusive, unornamented, unostentatious, unpossessive, unpresuming, unpresumptuous, unpretending, unpretentious, unselfish, unsparing of self, unsullied, vapid, vulgar, wishy-washy, withdrawing, withdrawn, within means, worth the money