Meaning of MODEST in English

/ ˈmɒdɪst; NAmE ˈmɑːd-/ adjective


not very large, expensive, important, etc. :

modest improvements / reforms

He charged a relatively modest fee.

a modest little house

The research was carried out on a modest scale.


( approving ) not talking much about your own abilities or possessions :

She's very modest about her success.

You're too modest!

OPP immodest


( of people, especially women, or their clothes ) shy about showing much of the body; not intended to attract attention, especially in a sexual way

SYN demure :

a modest dress

OPP immodest

►  mod·est·ly adverb



mid 16th cent.: from French modeste , from Latin modestus keeping due measure, related to modus measure.

Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary.      Оксфордский английский словарь для изучающик язык на продвинутом уровне.