Synonyms and related words :
accessibility, actual presence, adventure, affair, apparition, appearance, appearing, arising, availability, avatar, being, being here, being there, chance, circumstance, coming, coming into being, coming-forth, condition, conjuncture, contingency, development, disclosure, emergence, emergency, ens, entity, epiphany, episode, esse, essence, event, eventuality, exigency, existence, experience, exposure, fact, forthcoming, frequency, go, hap, happening, happenstance, hereness, immanence, immediacy, incarnation, incidence, incident, indwellingness, inherence, instance, issuance, juncture, life, likelihood, manifestation, materiality, materialization, materializing, matter, matter of fact, occasion, opening, particular, pass, phenomenon, physical presence, presence, presentation, rate, reality, realization, revelation, rise, rising, showing, showing forth, situation, spiritual presence, state, subsistence, substantiality, theophany, thereness, thing, turn of events, ubiety, unfolding, unfoldment, whereness