Synonyms and related words :
barometer, boundaries, boundary condition, bounds, bourns, canon, catch, check, circumference, circumscription, clause, compass, condition, confines, coordinates, criterion, degree, donnee, edges, escalator clause, escape clause, escape hatch, fine print, fringes, gauge, given, graduated scale, grounds, joker, kicker, limitations, limiting condition, limits, marches, measure, metes, metes and bounds, model, norm, obligation, outlines, outskirts, pale, parameters, pattern, perimeter, periphery, prerequisite, provision, provisions, proviso, quantity, reading, readout, requisite, rule, saving clause, scale, sine qua non, skirts, small print, specification, standard, stipulation, string, terms, test, touchstone, type, ultimatum, value, verges, whereas, yardstick