Synonyms and related words :
absolute, accurate, adjunct, adoptive, adventure, appointive, appropriate, article, aspect, attentive, blow-by-blow, brass tacks, careful, case, categorical, censorious, certain, characteristic, choicy, choosing, choosy, circumstance, citation, classificational, classificatory, close, component, concrete, conscientious, constituent, contingent, correct, count, critical, cross reference, cross section, dainty, datum, defined, defining, definite, delicate, demanding, demonstration, denominative, detachment, detail, detailed, determinate, different, differential, discrete, discriminating, discriminative, distinct, distinctive, distinguished, distributional, distributive, division, divisional, divisionary, dole, eclectic, elective, electoral, element, episode, equal, esoteric, especial, especially, essential facts, essentials, even stephen, event, exact, exacting, exactly, example, exceptional, exemplification, exigent, experience, express, exquisite, extraordinary, facet, fact, factor, fastidious, fifty-fifty, fine, fine point, finical, finicking, finicky, fixed, fraction, full, fussy, half, half-and-half, halvers, hap, happening, happenstance, hypercritical, illustration, in particular, incident, incidental, individual, information, inner, installment, instance, intimate, isolated, item, itemized, lone, marked, matter, matter of fact, meticulous, minor detail, minute, minutia, minutiae, narrow, nice, notable, noteworthy, occasion, occurrence, one, only, ordinal, outstanding, painstaking, parcel, part, particular, particularized, particularly, particulars, peculiar, per capita, per head, percentage, perfectionistic, pernickety, persnickety, personal, phenomenon, picayune, picky, point, portion, precise, precisely, precisianistic, precisionistic, priggish, private, pro rata, proportional, proportionate, prorated, prudish, punctilious, punctual, puristic, puritanic, quadrant, quarter, quota, quotation, random sample, reality, reference, refined, regard, religious, remainder, remarkable, respect, respective, rigid, rigorous, sample, sampling, scrupulous, scrutinizing, section, sector, segment, selecting, selective, sensitive, separate, several, share, single, singular, sole, solipsistic, solitary, special, speciality, specially, specific, specifically, strict, subdivision, subdivisional, subgroup, subspecies, subtle, taxonomic, the concrete, the data, the details, the dope, the facts, the individual, the information, the particular, the particulars, the picture, the scoop, the score, the special, the specific, the specifics, the unique, the whole story, thing, thorough, turn of events, typal, typical, unique, unusual