Synonyms and related words :
abjectly, abominably, ailing, arrantly, atrociously, badly, basely, below par, commonly, contemptibly, crudely, despicably, execrably, flagrantly, foully, frugally, grossly, heinously, improperly, inadeptly, inadequately, inaptly, incapably, incompetently, indisposed, inefficiently, ineptly, inexpertly, inferiorly, meagerly, meanly, miserably, monstrously, nefariously, obnoxiously, odiously, pettily, punily, rotten, scantily, scurvily, shabbily, shoddily, sick, slightly, sparely, sparingly, unaptly, undeftly, under the weather, undexterously, unfacilely, unfitly, unproficiently, unsatisfactorily, unskillfully, unwell, vilely, wretchedly