Meaning of PROMPTNESS in English

Synonyms and related words :

OK, abruptness, acceptance, accord, acquiescence, acuity, acuteness, affirmation, affirmative, affirmative voice, agility, agreeability, agreeableness, agreement, air speed, alacrity, alertness, amenability, animation, anxiety, anxiousness, appetite, approbation, approval, ardor, assent, attention, attentiveness, avidity, avidness, aye, blessing, breathless impatience, brightness, briskness, celerity, cheerful consent, cheerful readiness, compliance, connivance, consent, cooperativeness, decisiveness, dispatch, docility, eagerness, elan, endorsement, enthusiasm, expedition, expeditiousness, fastness, favorable disposition, favorableness, feverishness, flight, flit, flurry, forwardness, furiousness, gameness, goodwill, ground speed, gust, gusto, haste, hastiness, hurriedness, hurry, immediacy, immediateness, impatience, impetuosity, impetuousness, impulsiveness, instantaneousness, keen desire, keenness, knots, life, lightning speed, liveliness, miles per hour, nimbleness, okay, permission, pliability, pliancy, precipitance, precipitancy, precipitation, precipitousness, promptitude, punctuality, punctualness, quickness, rapidity, rashness, ratification, readiness, receptive mood, receptiveness, receptivity, responsiveness, right mood, round pace, rpm, rush, sanction, sharpness, sleeplessness, smartness, snappiness, speed, speediness, spirit, spryness, submission, suddenness, summariness, swift rate, swiftness, tractability, ungrudgingness, unloathness, unreluctance, velocity, verve, vitality, vivacity, wakefulness, willing ear, willing heart, willingness, zeal, zealousness, zest, zestfulness

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