Synonyms and related words :
arraign, arrest, avulse, bank, block, brake, bring to, bring up, bring up short, cease fire, check, checkmate, come up short, crab, cut out, cut short, dam, deadlock, deracinate, dig out, dig up, dip, disentangle, draw, draw out, draw rein, draw up, dredge, dredge up, eradicate, evolve, evulse, excavate, excise, exsect, extract, extricate, feather, fetch up, file a claim, fishtail, freeze, get out, gouge out, grub up, halt, hang fire, haul up, have up, impeach, indict, loop, mine, pick out, plow, pluck out, pluck up, porpoise, prefer charges, pull, pull out, push down, put paid to, quarry, rake out, remove, rip out, roll, root out, root up, sideslip, skid, spin, spiral, stalemate, stall, stay, stem, stem the tide, stick, stop, stop cold, stop dead, stop short, stunt, take out, tear out, undulate, unearth, unravel, uproot, weed out, withdraw, wrest out, yaw