Synonyms and related words :
adore, anniversaries, appreciate, bacchanal, ball, banquet, bask in, bat, be pleased with, bender, binge, bout, bust, caper, caracole, carnival, carol, carousal, carouse, celebrate, celebrating, celebration, ceremony, chirp, chirrup, clap hands, commemoration, crow over, cut loose, dance, debauch, delight, delight in, derive pleasure from, devour, dressing ship, drinking bout, eat up, enjoy, escapade, exult, fanfare, fanfaronade, feast, feast on, festival, festivity, fete, fling, flourish of trumpets, freak out on, frisk, frolic, gaiety, gala, gambol, get high on, gloat over, glory, glory in, groove on, hell, hell around, high jinks, holiday, indulge in, jamboree, jollify, jollity, jolly, joy, joyance, jubilate, jubilation, jubilee, lap up, lark, let go, let loose, let off steam, like, lilt, live it up, love, luxuriate in, mad round, make merry, make whoopee, marking the occasion, memorialization, memory, merriment, merrymaking, observance, orgy, ovation, party, ploy, pub-crawl, raise hell, randan, randy, regale, regalement, rejoice, rejoice in, rejoicing, religious rites, relish, remembrance, revel in, reveling, revelment, revelry, riot, riot in, rite, ritual observance, roister, rollick, romp, round of pleasures, salute, salvo, saturnalia, savor, see life, sing, skip, skip for joy, skylark, skylarking, smack the lips, solemn observance, solemnization, spree, step out, swim in, take pleasure in, tear, testimonial, testimonial banquet, testimonial dinner, toast, toot, treat, tribute, triumph, wallow in, wanton, wassail, welter, whistle, whoop it up, whoopee, wingding