Meaning of REVELATION in English

Synonyms and related words :

Christophany, Satanophany, admission, afflatus, angelophany, announcement, apocalypse, apparition, appearance, appearing, arising, astonishment, avatar, baring, blockbuster, blow, bomb, bombshell, bringing to light, bulletin, casual discovery, catch, catching, chance discovery, coming, coming into being, coming-forth, communique, confession, declaration, detection, determination, determining, direct communication, discernibleness, disclosing, disclosure, discovering, discovery, dissemination, distinguishment, divine inspiration, divine revelation, earthshaker, embodiment, emergence, epiphany, espial, evidence, evincement, excavation, exhumation, expose, exposition, exposure, expression, eye-opener, find, finding, finding out, forthcoming, incarnation, indication, information, inspiration, invention, issuance, joker, kicker, laying bare, leak, locating, location, lucky strike, manifestation, materialization, materializing, mystical experience, mysticism, news, observability, occurrence, opening, oracle, outcrop, outcropping, patefaction, perceptibility, peripeteia, pneumatophany, presentation, proclamation, pronouncement, proof, prophecy, publication, realization, recognition, rediscovery, removing the veil, revealing, revealment, rise, rising, seeableness, serendipity, shocker, showing, showing forth, showing up, showup, spotting, staggerer, startler, statement, strike, stripping, surprisal, surprise, surprise ending, surprise package, surprise party, switch, the seen, the visible, theophania, theophany, theopneustia, theopneusty, thunderbolt, thunderclap, treasure trove, trouvaille, trove, uncloaking, uncovering, unearthing, unfolding, unfoldment, unmasking, unveiling, unwrapping, visibility, visibleness, vision, visuality, what is revealed

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