Synonyms and related words :
abrade, abrasion, air-dry, anhydrate, assail, attack, attaint, bake, ball the jack, bark, barrel, be in heat, bedaub, besmear, besmirch, besmoke, bestain, blacken, blaze, blemish, blister, bloody, bloom, blot, blur, boil, boom, bowl along, brand, break, breeze, breeze along, broil, brush, burn, burn in, burn off, cast, castigate, cauterize, chafe, char, check, chip, choke, claw, clip, coal, combust, concussion, cook, crack, crackle, craze, cupel, cure, cut, cut along, darken, daub, dehumidify, dehydrate, desiccate, dirty, discolor, drain, dry, evaporate, excoriate, exsiccate, fire, flame, flame up, flare, flare up, flash burn, flay, fleet, flicker, flit, flush, fly, fly low, foot, found, fracture, fray, frazzle, fret, fry, fustigate, gall, gash, gasp, glow, go fast, highball, hurt, incandesce, incise, incision, injure, injury, insolate, kiln, lacerate, laceration, lash, lesion, maim, make knots, make mincemeat of, mark, mat burn, maul, melt, mortal wound, mummify, mutilate, mutilation, nip, outstrip the wind, oxidate, oxidize, pant, parch, pierce, plot, pour it on, puncture, pyrolyze, radiate heat, rend, rent, rip, roast, rub, run, rupture, savage, scald, scarify, scathe, scotch, scourge, scrape, scratch, scuff, sear, second-degree burn, seethe, shimmer with heat, shrivel, simmer, singe, sizzle, skim, skin, skin alive, slash, slit, slubber, slur, smear, smirch, smoke, smolder, smother, soak up, soil, solder, sore, spark, speed, sponge, sprain, stab, stab wound, stain, steam, stew, stick, stifle, stigmatize, storm along, strain, suffocate, sun, sun-dry, sunburn, sunscald, swab, sweat, sweep, swelter, swinge, taint, tarnish, tear, tear along, third-degree burn, thunder along, toast, torrefy, towel, trauma, traumatize, trounce, vesicate, vulcanize, weazen, weld, whisk, whiz, windburn, wipe, wither, wizen, wound, wounds immedicable, wrench, zing, zip, zoom