Synonyms and related words :
Argus, CIA man, Charley, abhor, abjure, advance guard, airhead, airplane spotter, ancestor, announcer, antecedent, avant-garde, barrack, battle line, be vigilant, be watchful, beachhead, bellwether, bridgehead, brush aside, buccinator, bug, bushwhacker, case, chaff, check out, chuck, chuck out, cloak-and-dagger operative, contemn, contradict, counterintelligence agent, counterspy, course, cover, cut at, decline, deny, deride, despise, dig at, dig out, dig up, disapprove, discard, disclaim, discount, discover, disdain, dismiss, disown, disregard, do, double agent, dump on, espionage agent, examine, except, exclude, explore, explorer, eye, eyeball, farthest outpost, ferret out, find, fire patrolman, fire warden, fireguard, first line, fish out, fleer, flout, follow, forebear, forefront, foregoer, forerunner, forswear, forward observer, front, front line, front rank, front runner, front-runner, frontiersman, fugleman, gaze at, gibe, go over, groundbreaker, grub up, guide, harbinger, have a looksee, herald, hold in derision, hold in view, hunt out, ignore, innovator, inside man, inspect, intelligence agent, investigate, jab, jab at, jape, jeer, keep in sight, keep in view, keep under observation, laugh at, laugh to scorn, lead runner, leader, line, locate, look after, look at, look on, look over, look upon, lookout, lookout man, lout, make a reconnaissance, measure, messenger, military-intelligence man, mock, naval-intelligence man, night watchman, observe, operative, outguard, outpost, overpass, pass by, pass over, pass through, pass up, pathfinder, patrol, patroller, patrolman, peep, perambulate, peregrinate, pererrate, picket, pioneer, play the spy, ply, point, pooh, pooh-pooh, precedent, precursor, predecessor, probe, pry out, push aside, put down, put under surveillance, quiz, rail at, railhead, rally, range, range over, rank out, razz, rebuff, recant, reconnoiter, reconnoiterer, refuse, refuse to consider, regard, reject, renounce, repel, repudiate, repulse, research, revile, ridicule, root out, roundsman, scoff, scoff at, scorn, scorn to receive, scour, scour the country, scout out, search out, secret agent, sentinel, sentry, set at defiance, shove away, slam, slap at, slight, slight over, sneer, sneer at, spearhead, spit upon, spotter, spurn, spy, spy out, spy upon, spy-catcher, stake out, stormy petrel, study, survey, sweep, swipe, taunt, throw away, throw out, track, trailblazer, trailbreaker, transit, travel over, travel through, traverse, treat with contempt, turn away, turn out, twit, uncover, undercover man, van, vanguard, vaunt-courier, vedette, view, voortrekker, voyage, waive, watch, watcher, watchkeeper, watchman