Synonyms and related words :
asphyxiate, be ruined, become insolvent, bottle up, break, bust, call a strike, call it quits, cease, censor, choke, choke off, clamp down on, close, close down, close shop, close up, collapse, cork, cork up, crack down on, crash, crush, cut, damp down, drown, dumbfound, extinguish, fail, fold, fold up, gag, go bankrupt, go broke, go into receivership, go on strike, go to pot, go to ruin, go under, go up, hold down, hush, hush-hush, jump on, keep down, keep under, kill, knock off, lay off, muffle, muzzle, pour water on, put down, put to silence, quash, quell, quench, quiet, quieten, repress, secure, shush, shut, shut down on, shut off, shut up, shut up shop, shutter, silence, sit down on, sit on, smash, smother, soft-pedal, squash, squelch, stanch, stifle, still, strangle, strike, strike dumb, stultify, subdue, suffocate, suppress, switch off, throttle, turn off, walk out