Synonyms and related words :
acerb, acerbate, acerbic, acescent, aggravated, amplified, annoyed, augmented, baffled, balked, betrayed, bilious, bilked, bitter, blasted, blighted, blown, chapfallen, choleric, crab, crabbed, crestfallen, crossed, crushed, dashed, defeated, deliberately provoked, disappointed, dished, disillusioned, dissatisfied, dry, dyspeptic, embittered, enhanced, enlarged, exacerbated, exasperated, foiled, frowy, frustrated, gamy, green, heated up, heightened, high, hotted up, ill done-by, ill-served, increased, intensified, irritated, jaundiced, let down, magnified, off, out of countenance, pickled, provoked, pungent, rancid, rank, reechy, regretful, sec, sorely disappointed, sour, sour as vinegar, sour-tempered, sourish, stale, strong, tainted, tart, tartish, thwarted, turned, unripe, unsweet, unsweetened, vinegarish, vinegary, worse, worsened