Synonyms and related words :
Maecenas, abettor, accept the responsibility, admirer, advocate, aficionado, angel, answer for, apologist, assure, attest, back, backer, bailsman, bankroll, be sponsor for, benefactor, bond, bondsman, buff, capitalize, certify, champion, confirm, countersecure, defender, dependence, encourager, endorse, endorser, ensure, exponent, fan, favorer, finance, financer, friend at court, fund, funder, godfather, godparent, grubstake, grubstaker, guarantee, guarantor, guaranty, insure, insurer, lover, mainpernor, mainstay, maintainer, meal ticket, mortgagor, paranymph, partisan, patron, patronize, pay for, promote, promoter, protagonist, provide for, refinance, reliance, second, seconder, sectary, secure, set up, sider, sign, sign for, stake, staker, stalwart, stand behind, stand sponsor for, stand up for, standby, subscribe to, subsidize, subsidizer, support, supporter, surety, sustainer, sympathizer, take the blame, take up, undersign, underwrite, underwriter, upholder, votary, warrant, warrantor, well-wisher