Synonyms and related words :
adaptability, adaptable, adaptive, add to, aesthetic distance, aggrandize, airing, amble, amplify, amplitude, and quarter, answer, archery ground, area, athletic field, athletics, augment, avail, badminton court, balloon, ballyhoo, baseball field, basketball court, be equal to, be lengthy, be prolonged, bear, belong, bend, billiard parlor, bit, bloat, bloating, blow up, bounce, bounciness, bouncy, bowling alley, bowling green, breadth, break, breaking point, breather, broaden, build, build up, bulk, bulk out, buoyance, buoyancy, buoyant, burlesque, calisthenics, caricature, carry, carry too far, clearance, compass, constitutional, continue, continuous tenure, course, court, cover, crane, crescendo, cricket ground, croquet ground, croquet lawn, daily dozen, day, deep space, depths of space, develop, diamond, diapason, dilate, dimensions, distance, distend, distension, distort, divergence, do, do it, drag out, draw, draw out, draw the longbow, drill, elastic, elasticity, elongate, elongation, embellish, encompass, enlarge, enlistment, environ, exaggerate, exercise, exercising, expand, expanse, expansion, extend, extend out, extensibility, extensile, extension, extent, extreme tension, fairway, farness, fateful moment, field, fill out, fill the bill, fit, flexibility, flexible, flexile, football field, forced march, fudge, fulfill, gamut, get by, gibbet, give, glaciarium, go, go around, go out, go to extremes, golf course, golf links, greaten, gridiron, gym, gymnasium, gymnastic exercises, gymnastics, hack it, hang, haul, heave, hike, hike up, hitch, hold, hour, hyperbolize, ice rink, increase, infield, infinity, inflate, inflation, instant, interval, isometrics, jaunt, juncture, just do, kairos, lay it on, leeway, length, lengthen, lengthen out, lengthening, lengthiness, let out, lie, light-years, linear measures, links, liveliness, lively, long time, longitude, longness, lynch, magnify, make, make much of, make the grade, march, margin, measure, meet, meet requirements, mileage, minute, moment, moment of truth, mush, neck, noose, orbit, outfield, outreach, outstretch, oval, overall length, overcharge, overdevelop, overdistend, overdistension, overdo, overdraw, overdrawing, overestimate, overexert, overexertion, overexpand, overexpansion, overextend, overextension, overpaint, overpraise, overreach, overreact, oversell, overspeak, overstate, overstrain, overstraining, overstress, overstretch, overstretching, overtax, overtaxing, pad, parade, parsecs, pass, pass muster, period, peripatetic journey, peripateticism, perpetuity, perspective, physical education, physical jerks, piece, pile it on, playground, playing field, playroom, point, polo ground, pool hall, poolroom, practice, pregnant moment, press, prison term, produce, production, prolong, prolongate, prolongation, promenade, protract, protraction, psychological moment, puff, puff up, pull, pull out, pump, pump up, purview, putting green, qualify, racecourse, rack, racket court, radius, raise, ramble, range, rarefy, reach, reach out, rebound, region, register, remoteness, resilience, resiliency, resilient, responsive, responsiveness, rink, roll, run, satisfy, saunter, scale, schlep, scop, scope, scrag, season, section, separation, serve, serve the purpose, setting-up exercises, skating rink, snap, snapping point, snowball, soccer field, space, span, spectrum, spell, spin out, sprawl, spread, spring, springiness, springy, squash court, stage, stand, stand on tiptoes, stand up, stint, straddle, straggle, strain, strain every nerve, straining, stress, stress and strain, stressfulness, stretch out, stretch the truth, stretchability, stretchable, stretchiness, stretching, stretchy, stride, string out, string up, stringing out, stroll, suffice, sufflate, supple, surround, sweat blood, sweep, swell, swelling, take in, take it, talk big, talk in superlatives, tauten, tax, taxing, tennis court, tense, tension, tenure, term, thrust out, tighten, time, time lag, tone, tonicity, tonus, tour, tour of duty, tout, track, tract, traipse, tramp, travesty, trudge, tug, tumefy, turf, turn, up, walk, walking tour, warp, way, ways, whet, while, whippy, widen, work, workout, yardage, yoga