Meaning of SURFEIT in English

Synonyms and related words :

allay, amplitude, bellyful, brim, charge, chock, choke, cloy, congest, congestion, cram, crowd, deluge, drench, engorge, engorgement, excess, fill, fill to overflowing, fill up, flood, flood tide, freight, full, fullness, glut, gluttonize, gorge, high tide, high water, hyperemia, impletion, jade, jam, jam-pack, lade, load, more than enough, nimiety, overabundance, overbrimming, overburden, overcharge, overdose, overfeed, overfill, overflow, overfreight, overfullness, overgorge, overindulge, overkill, overlade, overload, overmuch, overplus, oversaturate, overspill, overstuff, oversupply, overweight, pack, pad, pall, plenitude, plethora, ram in, repletion, sate, satiate, satiation, satiety, satisfaction, satisfy, saturate, saturatedness, saturation, saturation point, skinful, slake, snootful, soak, spring tide, stall, stodge, stuff, superabundance, supercharge, superfluity, supersaturate, supersaturation, surcharge, surplus, surplusage, top off, wad, weight

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