/serr"fit/ , n.
1. excess; an excessive amount: a surfeit of speechmaking.
2. excess or overindulgence in eating or drinking.
3. an uncomfortably full or crapulous feeling due to excessive eating or drinking.
4. general disgust caused by excess or satiety.
5. to bring to a state of surfeit by excess of food or drink.
6. to supply with anything to excess or satiety; satiate.
7. to eat or drink to excess.
8. to suffer from the effects of overindulgence in eating or drinking.
9. to indulge to excess in anything.
[ 1250-1300; (n.) ME sorfete, surfait surfait, surfet (n. use of ptp. of surfaire to overdo), equiv. to sur- SUR- 1 + fait factus, ptp. of facere to do (see FACT); (v.) sorfeten, deriv. of the n. ]
Syn. 1. superabundance, superfluity. 5, 6 . stuff, gorge. 6. fill.
Ant. 1. lack.