Synonyms and related words :
abbreviate, abridge, absorb, abstract, accept, accouple, accumulate, acquire, admit, adsorb, affect, agglutinate, amass, appear, appreciate, apprehend, arrest, articulate, assemble, assimilate, assister, associate, assume, attend, bamboozle, band, barge in, be admitted, be at, be present at, be with one, beguile, behold, betray, blot, blot up, bluff, bob, boil down, bond, bracket, break in, breeze in, bridge, bridge over, bring, burst in, bust in, cajole, call for, capsulize, capture, carry, catch, catch on, catch sight of, cement, chain, cheat on, chemisorb, chemosorb, circumvent, clap eyes on, clap together, clip, collar, collect, combine, come barging in, come breezing in, come busting in, come by, come in, come in for, come to, compass, complete, comprehend, compress, comprise, concatenate, conceive, condense, conglobulate, conjoin, conjugate, conjure, connect, consume, contain, contract, copulate, count in, couple, cover, creep in, crop, cross the threshold, crowd in, curtail, cut, cut back, cut down, cut off short, cut short, deceive, delude, derive, derive from, descry, devour, diddle, dig, digest, discern, discover, dispatch, dispose of, distinguish, do, dock, double-cross, down, drag down, draw, draw from, drink, drink in, drink up, drop in, dupe, eat up, edge in, elide, embody, embrace, encircle, enclose, encompass, engross, entail, enter, environ, envisage, epitomize, espy, extend, eye, fathom, fill, fill in, fill out, filter in, flimflam, follow, foreshorten, forestall, four-flush, gain, gain admittance, gammon, gape, gather, get, get an earful, get around, get away with, get down, get hold of, get in, get the drift, get the idea, get the picture, give an entree, glimpse, glue, go, go in, go into, go out, go to, grab, grasp, gull, have, have an entree, have an in, have coming in, have in sight, have it taped, hear, hear of, hear tell of, hoax, hocus-pocus, hold, hop in, hornswaggle, humbug, imbibe, immit, implicate, imply, include, incorporate, infiltrate, ingest, insert, intromit, intrude, involve, irrupt, jam in, join, juggle, jump in, ken, knot, know, lay eyes on, lay together, lead to, league, learn, let down, let in, lie, link, look at, look in, look on, look upon, lump together, make out, marry, marshal, mass, master, merge, mobilize, mock, mow, nab, nip, notice, number among, observe, obtain, occupy, ogle, osmose, outmaneuver, outreach, outsmart, outwit, overhear, overreach, pack in, pair, perceive, percolate in, pick out, pick up, piece together, pigeon, play one false, poll, pollard, pop in, press in, presume, presuppose, prune, pull down, push in, put away, put in, put something over, put together, put under arrest, range, reach, reach out, read, reap, recap, recapitulate, receive, reckon among, reckon in, reckon with, recognize, reduce, require, retrench, roll into one, run, run in, savvy, secure, see, seep in, seize, seize the meaning, sense, set foot in, shave, shear, shorten, show up, sight, sit in, slip in, slurp up, snow, snub, soak in, soak up, solder, sorb, span, splice, sponge, spot, spread, spy, squeeze in, step in, stick together, straddle, stretch, stretch out, string along, stunt, subsume, sum up, summarize, surround, swallow, sweep, swill up, synopsize, take, take down, take into account, take into consideration, take into custody, take on, take over, take prisoner, take up, tape, telescope, throw open to, thrust in, thrust out, tie, trick, trim, truncate, tuck in, turn up, twig, two-time, understand, unify, unite, view, visit, watch, wedge in, weld, witness, work in, yoke|