Synonyms and related words :
Parthian shot, accommodatingness, address, admonition, advertence, advertency, advice, advising, advocacy, affirmation, agreeableness, alertness, allegation, answer, antelope, anticipation, apostrophe, apprehension, arrow, assertion, assiduity, assiduousness, association, association of ideas, assumption, attention, attention span, attentiveness, attitude, averment, awareness, bit, blue darter, blue streak, brainstorm, brainwork, briefing, brooding, brown study, cannonball, care, cast, caution, caveat, cerebration, certainty, chain of thought, climate of opinion, cogitation, cogitative, cognitive, comment, common belief, community sentiment, compassion, complaisance, conceit, concentrating, concentration, concentrative, concept, conception, conceptive, conceptual, conceptualized, concern, conclusion, confidence, consciousness, consensus gentium, considerateness, consideration, considering, consultation, contemplating, contemplation, contemplative, council, counsel, courser, crack, current of thought, dart, dash, declaration, deliberating, deliberation, deliberative, delicacy, design, dictum, diligence, direction, dream, eagle, ear, earnestness, electricity, estimate, estimation, ethos, exclamation, excogitating, exhortation, expectancy, expectation, expostulation, express train, expression, eye, fancy, feeling, flash, flow of thought, gazelle, general belief, gleam, greased lightning, greeting, greyhound, guidance, hare, heed, heedfulness, helpfulness, hint, hope, hortation, idea, ideative, image, imago, imminence, impression, indulgence, infusion, inkling, inmost thoughts, instruction, intellect, intellection, intellectual object, intelligence, intention, intentiveness, intentness, interjection, intimation, introspective, jet plane, judgment, kindliness, kindness, leniency, lick, light, lightning, lights, little, look, meditating, meditation, meditative, memories, memory, memory-trace, mental, mental image, mental impression, mentation, mention, mercury, mind, mindfulness, monition, museful, musing, mystique, noetic, note, notice, notion, obligingness, observance, observation, opinion, parley, pensive, perception, personal judgment, phrase, plan, planning, point of view, pondering, popular belief, position, posture, prehensive, presumption, prevailing belief, probability, pronouncement, proposal, prospect, public belief, public opinion, question, quicksilver, ratiocination, rationality, reaction, reason, reasoning, recept, recommendation, reflecting, reflection, reflective, regard, regardfulness, reliance, remark, remembrances, remonstrance, representation, respect, rocket, ruminant, ruminating, rumination, ruminative, sauce, say, saying, scared rabbit, scheme, scintilla, seasoning, secret thoughts, sentence, sentiment, serious, shade, shadow, shot, sight, sip, smack, small amount, smattering, smell, sober, solicitousness, solicitude, soupcon, spark, speculation, speculative, spice, sprinkling, stance, statement, streak, streak of lightning, stream of consciousness, striped snake, subjoinder, suggestion, sup, supposition, suspicion, swallow, sympathy, tact, tactfulness, taint, taste, tempering, tenderness, theory, thinking, thoughtful, thoughtfulness, thoughts, thunderbolt, tinct, tincture, tinge, tint, toleration, torrent, touch, trace, train of thought, trifle, unastonishment, utterance, vestige, view, vision, warning, way of thinking, wind, wistful, word|