Meaning of THOUGHT in English



1) to entertain, harbor, have; relish a ~ (to harbor ~s of revenge)

2) to express, present a ~

3) to gather; sum up one's ~s

4) an evil; fleeting, passing; happy; intriguing; refreshing; sober, sobering; ugly; upsetting ~

5) the ~ struck me that...

6) a ~ about, on (what are your ~s on this matter?)

7) a ~ that + clause (the ~ that we would soon reach home gave us courage)

8) at a ~ (my mind boggles at the very ~)

9) in one's ~s (she was always in my ~s)

10) ( misc. ) that ~ has crossed my mind; to read smb.'s ~s; a train of ~; in ~ and deed


11) to give ~ to

12) to abandon, give up all ~s (of doing smt.)

13) ( misc. ) perish the ~! ('one should not even consider the possibility!')

ideas, principles

14) liberal; logical; modern ~


15) to express a ~

16) a ~ about, on

17) a ~ that + clause (she expressed her ~ that the case should be settled without litigation)


18) (deep) in ~


19) to have no ~ (of doing smt.)

The Bbi combinatory dictionary of English, a guide to word combinations.      Комбинаторный словарь английского языка Bbi. Руководство по словосочетаниям.