Synonyms and related words :
Babbittish, Philistine, aboriginal, accustomed, ancient language, argot, austerity, autochthonous, average, baldness, bareness, bourgeois, campy, candor, cant, classical language, colloquial, colloquial speech, colloquial usage, colloquialism, common, common speech, commonplace, confined, conventional, conversational, conversationalism, current, customary, dead language, directness, easy, endemic, everyday, familiar, frankness, general, geographically limited, gibberish, gobbledygook, habitual, high-camp, homebred, homegrown, homely, homespun, household, household words, idiom, illiterate speech, indigenous, informal, informal English, informal language, informal speech, insular, jargon, kitschy, language, leanness, limited, lingo, living language, local, localized, low-camp, matter-of-factness, mother tongue, mumbo jumbo, natal, native, native language, native speech, native tongue, native-born, naturalness, nonstandard, normative, of a place, openness, ordinary, original, parent language, parochial, patois, patter, phraseology, plain, plain English, plain speaking, plain speech, plain style, plain words, plainness, plebeian, pop, popular, predominating, prescriptive, prevailing, primitive, prosaicness, prosiness, provincial, public, regional, regular, regulation, restrainedness, rustic style, scatology, severity, simple, simpleness, simplicity, slang, soberness, spareness, speech, spoken, spoken language, standard, starkness, stock, straightforward, straightforwardness, substandard, substandard language, taboo language, talk, topical, unadorned style, unadornedness, unaffectedness, uneducated, unimaginativeness, universal, unliterary, unpoeticalness, unstudied, usual, vernacularism, vocabulary, vulgar, vulgar language, vulgar tongue, vulgate, wonted