Synonyms and related words :
accident, assault, atomize, attack, auto, autocar, automobile, bankrupt, barbarize, batter, beach, blight, bloodbath, blow, blue ruin, boat, botch, break to pieces, breakdown, breaking up, breakup, bring to ruin, brutalize, bugger, buggy, burn, bus, butcher, calamity, car, carcass, carnage, carry on, cast away, casualty, cataclysm, catastrophe, cave, cave-in, cleave, collapse, collision, condemn, confound, consume, consumption, contretemps, crack-up, crash, crate, cripple, damn, damnation, de-energize, deal destruction, debacle, debilitate, decimate, decimation, demolish, depredate, depredation, desolate, desolation, despoil, despoilment, despoliation, destroy, destruction, devastate, devastation, devour, dilapidate, disable, disassemble, disaster, disenable, disintegrate, disintegration, dismantle, disorganization, disruption, dissolution, dissolve, do in, dog, drain, enfeeble, engorge, force, fragment, go on, gobble, gobble up, grief, ground, gut, gut with fire, hammer, hamstring, havoc, heap, hecatomb, holocaust, hors de combat, hulk, ill hap, impose, inactivate, incapacitate, incinerate, jalopy, kibosh, lame, lay in ruins, lay waste, loot, machine, maim, make mincemeat of, mar, maul, mere wreck, misadventure, mischance, misfortune, mishap, motor, motor vehicle, motorcar, motorized vehicle, mug, nasty blow, nervous wreck, perdition, pick to pieces, pile up, pileup, pillage, play havoc with, plunder, pull in pieces, pull to pieces, pulverize, put, queer, queer the works, rage, ramp, rampage, rant, rape, rattletrap, ravage, rave, raze, reduce to rubble, rend, riot, roar, ruin, ruinate, ruination, ruins, run aground, sabotage, sack, savage, shambles, shatter, shipwreck, shock, skeleton, slaughter, smash, smashup, sow chaos, spike, split, spoil, spoliation, staggering blow, storm, strand, subvert, sunder, swallow up, take apart, take the ground, tear, tear apart, tear around, tear to pieces, tear to shreds, tear to tatters, terrorize, throw into disorder, total, total loss, tragedy, trash, tub, unbuild, undermine, undo, undoing, unfit, unleash destruction, unleash the hurricane, unmake, upheave, vandalism, vandalize, vaporize, violate, visit, voiture, washout, waste, weaken, wheels, wing, wrack, wrack and ruin, wrack up, wreak, wreak havoc