Synonyms and related words :
Allen wrench, Stillson wrench, abrade, abrasion, ache, aching, acute pain, adjustable wrench, alligator wrench, anamorphism, anamorphosis, asymmetry, badger, bark, belie, bend, bite, blackmail, blemish, bloody, blow, bob, boring pain, box wrench, break, buckle, burlesque, burn, camouflage, caricature, carriage wrench, chafe, chain wrench, charley horse, check, chip, claim, claw, coerce, color, compel, concussion, confuse, constrain, contort, contortion, crack, crackle, cramp, cramps, craze, crick, crook, crookedness, crumple, cut, darting pain, demand, detorsion, deviation, disguise, disproportion, distort, distortion, distress, dolor, drag, exact, exaction, exaggerate, extort, extortion, falsify, flash burn, flick, flip, flirt, flounce, force, force from, fracture, fray, frazzle, fret, fulgurant pain, gall, garble, gash, get one wrong, get wrong, girdle pain, gloss, gnarl, gnawing, gouge, grief, griping, hitch, hurt, imbalance, incise, incision, injure, injury, irregularity, jerk, jig, jigger, jigget, jiggle, jog, joggle, jumping pain, kink, knot, lacerate, laceration, lancinating pain, lesion, levy blackmail, lopsidedness, lug wrench, maim, make mincemeat of, maul, misapply, misapprehend, miscite, miscolor, misconceive, misconstrue, misdeem, misexplain, misexplicate, misexpound, misinterpret, misjudge, misquote, misread, misrender, misreport, misrepresent, misstate, mistake, misteach, mistranslate, misunderstand, monkey wrench, mortal wound, mutilate, mutilation, nasty blow, nip, overdraw, overstate, pain, pang, parody, paroxysm, passion, pervert, pierce, pinch, pipe wrench, pluck, prick, pry loose from, puncture, quirk, rend, rend from, rending, rent, rick, rip, rip from, ripping, run, rupture, savage, scald, scorch, scotch, scrape, scratch, screw, screw key, scuff, second-degree burn, seizure, shake down, sharp pain, shock, shoot, shooting, shooting pain, skin, slant, slash, slit, snake, snatch, snatch from, socket wrench, sore, sore spot, spanner, spark-plug wrench, spasm, sprain, spring, squeeze, stab, stab wound, stabbing pain, start, stick, stitch, strain, strain the sense, stress, stress of life, stroke, sudden pull, suffering, tap wrench, tappet wrench, tear, tear from, tearing, tender spot, third-degree burn, thrill, throes, tormen, torsion, tortuosity, torture, trauma, traumatize, travesty, turn, turn awry, tweak, twinge, twist, twist the words, twitch, understate, unsymmetry, warp, wound, wounds immedicable, wrench from, wrenching, wrest, wresting, wring, wring from, wringing, writhe, wry, yank, yerk