Meaning of MAILER ;DEF in English

A word or phrase you define for sorting entries in an address book or distribution list. For example, if you want to sort all your business entries in an address book by the company name instead of the recipient's last name, you could enter the company name as the sort key.)|LAN_WK5|LAN_DEF.WPD Source String||Stringa di origine||LANPRO|GLOSY.DOC Spooling Directory||Directory di spool||LAN_WK5|STREAM, 4/1/96, NL Status Window||Finestra di stato||LANPRO|DIRLANG Step Command Button||Pulsante di comando Passo|Executes the next script command and pauses.|LANPRO|INDEX.DOC Substring||Sottostringa||LANPRO|GLOSY.DOC Successful Connection||Connessione riuscita||LAN_WK5|STREAM, 4/1/96, NL System Files||File di sistema|(def=ASCII text files used to configure workstation software by providing settings that are read and used by programs when they are loaded. For example, the WIN.INI file provides settings used by MS Windows when you run it. Expert users can use a text editor to modify and customize these files beyond what is done automatically by an installation or configuration program.)|LAN_WK5|LAN_DEF.WPD Talk||Talk|(prog

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