▪ altogether , completely , entirely
The noise faded, then ~d altogether.
▪ all but , almost , virtually
▪ largely
▪ effectively
My job had effectively ~d to exist.
▪ forthwith ( formal , esp. BrE ), immediately
These violations of the code must ~ forthwith.
▪ abruptly , suddenly
The bird's song ~d abruptly.
▪ gradually
▪ momentarily
▪ eventually , finally
▪ soon
▪ long , long since
The conversation had long ~d to interest me.
▪ with
Building ~d with the outbreak of war.
Cease is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑ conversation , ↑ fighting , ↑ hostility , ↑ movement , ↑ rain
Cease is used with these nouns as the object: ↑ fire , ↑ hostility , ↑ operation , ↑ production , ↑ publication