▪ be , feel , look , seem
▪ become
▪ make sb
A year of college had made her more socially ~.
▪ consider sb , regard sb as
He was not considered ~ to teach seven-year-olds.
▪ extremely , fairly , very , etc.
▪ highly
a small number of highly ~ officials
▪ fully , perfectly
▪ mentally
She was mentally ~ and she had the capacity to decide for herself.
mentally ~ to stand trial ( AmE , law )
▪ culturally , socially , technically
▪ in
She is ~ in five languages.
Competent is used with these nouns: ↑ authority , ↑ handling , ↑ lawyer , ↑ management , ↑ professional , ↑ reader , ↑ solicitor , ↑ teacher