▪ evocative , graphic , powerful , stark , violent , vivid
the vivid visual ~ of dreams
▪ negative
the negative ~ of gays and lesbians on TV
▪ positive
▪ popular
The novels draw on popular ~ from newspapers.
▪ traditional
the traditional Christian ~ of crucifixion
▪ visual
▪ mental
Illustrations may come between the text and the reader's own mental ~.
▪ dream
his continuing quest to explore dream ~
▪ biblical , erotic , poetic , religious , sexual
▪ abstract , surreal , symbolic
▪ natural , representational
▪ photographic , radar , satellite , video
▪ high-resolution
▪ computer-generated , digital
▪ 3-D , three-dimensional
▪ aerial , overhead ( esp. AmE )
The Pentagon is searching for overhead ~ from satellites or spy planes.
▪ draw on , employ , use
▪ create , produce , provide
The equipment provides intelligence ~ for tactical commanders.
▪ evoke
He evokes complex ~ with a single well-placed word.