noun ⇨ See also ↑ post
▪ certified ( AmE ) ( recorded delivery in BrE ) , registered
▪ express
▪ first-class , second-class ( both in the UK )
▪ internal ( esp. BrE )
If we want to send something to another department, we use the internal ~.
▪ incoming , outgoing
▪ unopened
▪ postal ( AmE ), regular ( esp. AmE ), snail ( informal, humorous )
▪ air (usually airmail ) , surface
▪ electronic (usually email ) , video , voice
▪ direct
direct-mail advertising
▪ bulk
▪ junk , unsolicited , unwanted
I throw away junk ~ without reading it.
▪ fan
▪ hate
He has received death threats and hate ~ from angry fans.
▪ item , piece
the strange piece of fan ~ she'd received two days earlier
▪ sackful
▪ post ( BrE ), send
▪ get , receive
▪ deliver
▪ forward , redirect ( BrE )
We had our ~ redirected when we moved out.
▪ intercept , steal
▪ collect
The ~ is collected twice a day.
▪ sort
The postcode allows the ~ to be sorted automatically.
▪ handle
Some people let their assistants handle the ~.
▪ check
She checked her ~ before leaving the hotel.
▪ pick up
▪ open
▪ read
▪ answer , deal with
▪ come , go
Has the ~ come yet?
▪ delivery
▪ order
All our products are available by ~ order.
▪ message
▪ item
▪ ballot , questionnaire , survey
▪ list
▪ program
▪ system
▪ centre/center , room
▪ carrier , man (usually mailman ) (both AmE ) ( postman in BrE )
The ~ carrier didn't deliver the ~ on Friday.
▪ drop ( AmE )
▪ box (usually mailbox ) , slot (both AmE ) (both letter box in BrE )
▪ coach ( BrE ), train ( esp. BrE ), truck ( AmE )
▪ fraud
▪ bomb ( letter bomb in BrE )
▪ by ~
Send it by registered ~.
▪ in the ~
My reply is in the ~.
Is there anything interesting in the ~?
verb (esp. AmE )
▪ direct , directly
▪ back , out
Mailing out information can be very expensive.
▪ to
The brochures are ~ed direct to members.
Mail is used with these nouns as the object: ↑ ballot , ↑ coupon , ↑ entry , ↑ envelope , ↑ letter , ↑ package , ↑ postcard , ↑ résumé