▪ current , present
▪ new
▪ outgoing
▪ bicameral , unicameral
▪ elected
▪ hung ( BrE )
The election resulted in a hung ~, followed by the resignation of the prime minister.
▪ federal , national , provincial , regional , state
▪ stand for ( esp. BrE )
He first stood for Parliament in 2001.
▪ enter , get into
▪ be in , sit in
He sat in Parliament for over forty years.
▪ elect (sb to)
a popularly elected ~
▪ return sb to ( esp. BrE )
He was returned to Parliament in 2001 as MP for Appleby.
▪ represent sb/sth in
▪ address
The President will address the Canadian ~ during his trip.
▪ bring sth before ( esp. BrE ), introduce sth into ( esp. BrE ), present sth to , put sth before ( esp. BrE )
▪ be before , come before , go before (all esp. BrE )
The bill will come before Parliament next month.
▪ get through , go through , pass through
▪ force sth through , push sth through , put sth through
The government was accused of forcing the bill through Parliament.
▪ lobby , petition ( esp. BrE )
▪ mislead ( esp. BrE )
▪ convene
▪ recall
▪ dissolve , prorogue ( BrE )
The bill has to be passed before ~ is prorogued.
▪ suspend
▪ be accountable to , be responsible to
▪ dominate
The ruling National Democratic Party dominates ~.
▪ storm
Angry protestors stormed the ~.
▪ adopt sth , approve sth , enact sth , lay sth down , pass sth , ratify sth
The Commission is guided by rules laid down by Parliament.
▪ reject sth
▪ vote (on sth)
▪ debate sth
▪ legislate (on sth)
Parliament may legislate on any matter of penal law.
▪ be in session , convene , meet , sit ( esp. BrE )
Parliament will be in session until December.
▪ rise ( BrE )
the day Parliament rises for the summer recess
▪ reconvene , resume
Parliament reconvenes next month.
▪ building
▪ chamber ( esp. BrE )
The floor of the Scottish ~ chamber contains seating for 128 members.
▪ minister , official (both esp. BrE )
a senior ~ official
▪ in ~
her first year in Parliament
▪ an Act of Parliament ( BrE )
▪ a house of ~
The National Assembly is the lower house of the French Parliament.
▪ the lifetime of a ~ ( esp. BrE )
It will take at least the lifetime of a ~ to put the health service in order.
▪ a majority in ~
The party has a two-thirds majority in Parliament.
▪ a Member of Parliament
▪ sth's passage through Parliament
Sponsors of the bill agreed to concessions in order to smooth its passage through Parliament.
▪ a seat in Parliament
The party failed to win any seats in Parliament.
▪ a session of Parliament