1 plan of action
▪ clear , coherent
▪ explicit , specific
▪ strict
▪ conscious , deliberate
a deliberate ~ to involve people of all ages
▪ effective
▪ sensible
▪ controversial
▪ flawed , misguided , short-sighted
the need to reform our flawed agricultural ~
▪ disastrous
▪ official , public
▪ federal , government , party
▪ company
▪ editorial
The magazine has a misguided editorial ~.
▪ domestic , internal , national , regional
▪ foreign , international
▪ expansionist , interventionary , protectionist , etc.
▪ open-door
an open-door ~ for migrant workers
▪ affirmative-action ( AmE )
affirmative-action policies that aim to help members of historically disadvantaged groups
▪ zero-tolerance
We have a zero-tolerance ~ for drugs.
▪ agricultural , defence/defense , drug , drugs ( BrE ), economic , education , educational , employment , energy , environmental , financial , fiscal , health , housing , immigration , macroeconomic , monetary , security , social , tax , trade , transport ( esp. BrE ), etc.
▪ admissions
Some have criticized universities for their admissions policies.
▪ design , develop , formulate , frame , influence , shape
▪ determine , dictate
a doctrine that would dictate American foreign ~ for some time to come
▪ establish , implement , institute , introduce , set
▪ adopt , carry out , enact , enforce , follow , pursue
The government followed a ~ of restraint in public spending.
▪ have , operate
The company operates a strict no-smoking ~.
▪ advocate , approve , endorse , favour/favor , promote , support
▪ oppose
▪ reverse
▪ abandon
▪ be aimed at sth , be designed to do sth
a ~ aimed at halting economic recession
policies designed to support and encourage marriage
▪ govern sth
policies governing the management of the environment
▪ affect sb/sth
Their economic policies affect us all.
▪ prohibit sth
a ~ prohibiting sexual harassment
▪ decision , making
▪ proposal , recommendation
▪ objective
▪ issue
the need to address public ~ issues at the national level
▪ change , reform , review
▪ agenda
▪ document , statement
▪ adviser , analyst , expert , maker , wonk ( esp. AmE )
a ~ adviser who made his name as a health reformer
▪ ~ of
The company's ~ of expansion has created many new jobs.
▪ ~ on
the party's ~ on housing
▪ a matter of ~
It is a matter of company ~ that we do not disclose the names of clients.
2 insurance contract
▪ insurance
▪ buildings and contents ( BrE ), home and contents ( AmE ), home contents ( BrE ), household contents ( BrE )
▪ auto ( AmE ), motor ( BrE )
▪ life , life-assurance ( BrE ), life-insurance
▪ endowment , pension (both BrE )
▪ take out
▪ renew
▪ cover sb/sth
The ~ covers (you for) accidental loss or damage.
▪ expire
▪ holder
▪ schedule ( BrE )
▪ in a/the ~
risks defined in the ~
▪ under a/the ~
the types of claims covered under the ~