Meaning of PRESCRIBE in English


1 drugs


▪ legally

The drug can no longer be legally ~d.

▪ commonly , frequently , routinely , widely

These drugs are widely ~d to control high blood pressure.

▪ medically


▪ as

It can be ~d as a form of preventive medicine.

▪ for

drugs ~d for high blood pressure

This drug is often ~d for women with heart trouble.

▪ to

a drug ~d to patients with an obsessive compulsive disorder

2 what should be done


▪ narrowly , rigidly , strictly

The curriculum is rigidly ~d from an early age.

Everything about her life was strictly ~d (= there were strict rules about what she could do) .


▪ culturally ~d , socially ~d

culturally ~d gender roles

Prescribe is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑ regulation

Prescribe is used with these nouns as the object: ↑ antibiotic , ↑ course , ↑ dose , ↑ drug , ↑ heroin , ↑ medication , ↑ medicine , ↑ penalty , ↑ pill , ↑ remedy , ↑ sedative , ↑ standard , ↑ treatment

Oxford Collocations English Dictionary.      Оксфордский английский словарь словосочетаний .