prēˈskrīb, prə̇ˈ- verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Middle English prescriben to hold or possess by right of prescription, from Medieval Latin prescribere to claim by right of prescription, from Latin praescribere to write at the beginning, order, direct, prescribe, from prae- pre- + scribere to write; in several senses directly from Latin praescribere — more at scribe
intransitive verb
1. : to claim a title to something by right of prescription : assert a prescriptive right or claim
2. : to lay down a rule : give directions : dictate , direct
a. : to write or give medical prescriptions
prescribe for a patient
b. : to give advice in the manner of a doctor giving a medical prescription
4. : to become by prescription invalid or unenforceable
various rights prescribe in twenty years
transitive verb
a. : to lay down authoritatively as a guide, direction, or rule of action : impose as a peremptory order : dictate , direct , ordain
the code of behavior which the culture prescribes for child training — Franz Alexander
legislatures may prescribe qualifications … for admission to the bar — H.S.Drinker
rigid convention prescribes that such meetings open with prayer — D.L.Cohn
b. : to specify with authority
the fixed routine of prescribed duties — Oscar Wilde
purchased by the department at prescribed prices — Farmer's Weekly (South Africa)
c. : to require (as a person) to follow a direction or rule of action
prescribed to take the following oath — C.W.Ferguson
2. obsolete : to describe in advance : foretell or make a prophecy of in writing
3. : to direct, designate, or order the use of as a remedy
the doctor prescribed quinine
we prescribe a certain amount of art for ourselves as a kind of corrective — Louis Kronenberger
4. : to keep within limits or bounds : confine , restrain
prescribed to one poor solitary place — Michael Drayton
assign , define : prescribe indicates authoritative dictating or commanding, with explicit clear direction
a doctor prescribing medicine for a patient
payment of the tax as a prerequisite for voting was prescribed by a constitutional amendment — American Guide Series: Arkansas
the power to prescribe rules of conduct was delegated to the President — C.J.Friedrich
assign may imply arbitrary or chance allotment, designation, or determination for the sake of some such end as harmonious operation, smooth routine, or proper or practical functioning or procedure
assign an officer to a military unit
assigned to the night shift
the clause, assigning original jurisdiction to the supreme court — John Marshall
define may indicate an exact delineation or demarcation to prevent confusion or conflict
defining the jurisdiction of various courts
defined still more clearly the extent to which the nations of this continent are willing to combine their military power to defend any American republic from an aggressor — S.G.Inman
obscure symbolisms which define the relation of various age groups to each other — Edward Sapir
Synonym: see in addition dictate .