Meaning of REGISTRATION in English



▪ full

▪ limited

▪ formal

▪ compulsory , mandatory

▪ complimentary , free

a complimentary ~ for the 2002 meeting of the society

▪ advance

▪ same-day ( AmE )

states that allow same-day voter ~

▪ on-site ( AmE )

on-site ~ for this week's events

▪ online

▪ civil

civil ~ of births

▪ birth , death (both esp. BrE )

▪ class , course , student

▪ voter

▪ car , company ( BrE ), domain-name , gun , land , product , trademark , vehicle

▪ VAT ( BrE )

▪ conference , convention , meeting

▪ party ( AmE )

my Democratic party ~


▪ require

▪ apply for , file , seek , submit

▪ conduct ( AmE )

The organization will conduct voter ~ for overseas nationals.

▪ obtain , receive

▪ accept , grant sb

Under the new regulation we can grant full ~ to foreign lawyers.

▪ renew

▪ cancel


▪ be required


▪ requirement

a failure to comply with the ~ requirements

▪ period

▪ deadline

The ~ deadline is November 4.

▪ procedure , process

▪ scheme ( BrE ), system

▪ database , records

I traced my family history using the civil ~ records.

▪ list , roll (both AmE )

the information on the ~ roll

▪ application , form

▪ card , document , papers

▪ statement

▪ number

I gave the ~ number of the car to the police. ( BrE )

You must have the voter ~ number on the form. ( AmE )

▪ plate ( BrE ) ( license plate in AmE )

The police are looking for a black car with German ~ plates.

▪ sticker ( AmE )

▪ officer ( BrE )

▪ fee

▪ counter ( AmE ), desk , office

I headed to the ~ desk to find out where the talk was.

▪ campaign , drive

a voter ~ campaign


▪ on ~

You will receive a free CD on ~ with the club.

▪ ~ as

~ as a political party

▪ ~ by

the ~ of the vehicle by the appropriate authority

▪ ~ for

Registration for this event ends on December 10.

▪ ~ with

Registration with the council is compulsory.


▪ an application for ~ ( esp. BrE )

▪ a certificate of ~

Oxford Collocations English Dictionary.      Оксфордский английский словарь словосочетаний .