1 to a problem, difficult situation, etc.
▪ complete , comprehensive
▪ partial
▪ effective , good , ideal , neat , optimal , perfect , real
His plan does not offer a real ~ to the problem.
▪ acceptable
▪ satisfactory , workable
▪ correct , right
▪ easy , obvious , simple
▪ possible
▪ alternative
▪ feasible , practical , realistic , viable
▪ cost-effective
▪ creative , imaginative , ingenious , innovative
▪ drastic , radical
▪ immediate , instant , quick , speedy
The UN representative stressed the urgency of a speedy ~.
▪ final , lasting , long-term , permanent , ultimate
▪ interim , short-term , temporary
▪ proposed
▪ pragmatic
▪ compromise , negotiated
▪ diplomatic , peaceful , political
▪ military , security
▪ technical , technological , technology ( esp. AmE )
The industry needs to look for technological ~s to their problems.
▪ software
▪ look for , seek , work towards/toward
▪ achieve , agree , agree on , agree upon , arrive at , come up with , find , produce , reach , work out
attempts to find a comprehensive political ~ to the crisis
▪ develop
▪ propose , put forward , suggest
▪ adopt
▪ offer , provide
▪ ~ for
a quick ~ for dealing with the paper shortage
▪ ~ to
They were seeking an ultimate ~ to the city's traffic problem.
▪ part of the ~
Either you're part of the ~ or part of the problem.
2 liquid in which a solid has been dissolved
▪ concentrated , strong
▪ dilute , weak
▪ saturated
▪ acid
▪ alkaline
▪ aqueous
▪ saline , salt
▪ buffer
▪ bicarbonate , sodium chloride , etc.
▪ contain
▪ in ~
carbon dioxide in ~