Meaning of WILL in English


1 power to choose; desire


▪ great , indomitable , iron , strong

her indomitable ~ to win

His unassuming manner concealed an iron ~.

▪ weak

▪ pure , sheer

I was driven by the pure ~ to survive.

▪ free

▪ conscious

▪ collective , general , majority , national , popular , public

Is that the general ~, that we keep the present voting arrangements?

▪ individual

▪ human

▪ divine

▪ political

The government lacked the political ~ to reform the tax system.

▪ ill

She bears them no ill ~.

(see also goodwill )


▪ have

She has a very strong ~.

▪ lack

▪ exercise , exert

▪ lose

She's lost the ~ to try and change things.

▪ break , drain , sap

Constant rejection has sapped her ~.

▪ regain

▪ impose

She usually manages to impose her ~ on the rest of the group.

▪ bend (sb/sth) to , obey

They were taught to obey their father's ~ without question.

▪ go against

My father didn't want me to leave home, and I didn't like to go against his ~.


▪ against your ~

Much against my ~, I let him go.

▪ at ~

She believes employers should have the right to hire and fire at ~.


▪ an act of ~

It requires an act of ~ to make myself go running in the morning.

▪ a battle of ~s , a clash of ~s

The meeting turned out to be a clash of ~s.

▪ an effort of ~

With a great effort of ~ he resisted her pleas.

▪ of your own free ~

She left of her own free ~.

▪ where there's a ~ there's a way (= used to say that sth is possible if you really want it)

▪ the ~ to live

She gradually regained the ~ to live.

▪ God's ~ , the ~ of God

2 legal document


▪ valid

Two people must witness your signature or your ~ is not valid.

▪ living (= a record of your wishes regarding medical treatment at the end of your life)


▪ draft , draw up , make , write

His lawyer drew up the ~.

Have you made your ~?

▪ sign

▪ leave

She left no ~ and was unmarried.

▪ read

▪ alter , change

▪ remember sb in

My aunt remembered me in her ~.

▪ administer , execute

▪ challenge , contest

The family decided to contest the ~ in court.

▪ break , overturn , set aside ( BrE )

They succeeded in getting the ~ overturned.


▪ by ~

Some things cannot be given away by ~.

▪ in a/the ~

She left me some money in her ~.

▪ under a/the ~

Under her father's ~, she gets $5 000 a year.


▪ sb's last ~ and testament

Oxford Collocations English Dictionary.      Оксфордский английский словарь словосочетаний .