/ ˈblaɪndfəʊld; NAmE -foʊld/ noun , verb , adjective , adverb
■ noun
something that is put over sb's eyes so they cannot see
■ verb
[ vn ] to cover sb's eyes with a piece of cloth or other covering so that they cannot see :
The hostages were tied up and blindfolded.
■ adjective , adverb
( BrE ) (also blind·fold·ed BrE , NAmE ) with the eyes covered :
The reporter was taken blindfold to a secret location.
I knew the way home blindfold (= because it was so familiar) .
I could do that blindfold (= very easily, with no problems) .
mid 16th cent.: alteration, by association with the verb fold , of blindfeld , past participle of obsolete blindfell strike blind, blindfold , from Old English geblindfellan (see blind and the verb fell ).