Meaning of BRACKET in English

/ ˈbrækɪt; NAmE / noun , verb

■ noun


(also ˈround bracket ) (both BrE ) (also par·en·thesis NAmE or formal ) [ usually pl. ] either of a pair of marks, ( ) placed around extra information in a piece of writing or part of a problem in mathematics :

Publication dates are given in brackets after each title.

Add the numbers in brackets first.

—see also angle bracket

—compare brace


[ usually pl. ] ( NAmE ) = square bracket


price, age, income, etc. ~ prices, etc. within a particular range :

people in the lower income bracket

Most of the houses are out of our price bracket.

the 30–34 age bracket (= people aged between 30 and 34)


a piece of wood, metal or plastic fixed to the wall to support a shelf, lamp, etc.

■ verb [ vn ]


to put words, information, etc. between brackets


bracket A and B (together) | bracket A (together) with B [ often passive ] to consider people or things to be similar or connected in some way :

It is unfair to bracket together those who cannot work with those who will not.



late 16th cent.: from French braguette or Spanish bragueta codpiece, bracket, corbel, from Provençal braga , from Latin braca , (plural) bracae breeches.

Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary.      Оксфордский английский словарь для изучающик язык на продвинутом уровне.