Meaning of GRATIFY in English

/ ˈgrætɪfaɪ; NAmE / verb ( grati·fies , grati·fy·ing , grati·fied , grati·fied )


( formal ) to please or satisfy sb :

[ vn to inf ]

It gratified him to think that it was all his work.

[ vn ]

I was gratified by their invitation.


[ vn ] ( formal ) to satisfy a wish, need, etc. :

He only gave his consent in order to gratify her wishes.

►  grati·fied adjective [ not usually before noun ] gratified (at sth) | gratified (to find, hear, see, etc.) :

She was gratified to find that they had followed her advice.



late Middle English (in the sense make pleasing ): from French gratifier or Latin gratificari give or do as a favour, from gratus pleasing, thankful.

Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary.      Оксфордский английский словарь для изучающик язык на продвинутом уровне.