/ ˈhɑːti; NAmE ˈhɑːrti/ adjective , noun
■ adjective ( heart·ier , hearti·est )
[ usually before noun ] showing friendly feelings for sb :
a hearty welcome
(sometimes disapproving ) loud, cheerful and full of energy :
a hearty and boisterous fellow
a hearty voice
[ only before noun ] ( of a meal or sb's appetite ) large; making you feel full :
a hearty breakfast
to have a hearty appetite
[ usually before noun ] showing that you feel strongly about sth :
He nodded his head in hearty agreement.
Hearty congratulations to everyone involved.
a hearty dislike of sth
see hale
► hearti·ness noun [ U ]
■ noun
( pl. -ies ) ( BrE , sometimes disapproving ) a person who is loud, cheerful and full of energy, especially one who plays a lot of sport