verb , noun
■ verb
/ ˈɪmplɪment; NAmE / [ vn ] to make sth that has been officially decided start to happen or be used
SYN carry out :
to implement changes / decisions / policies / reforms
► im·ple·men·ta·tion / ˌɪmplɪmenˈteɪʃn; NAmE / noun [ U ]:
the implementation of the new system
■ noun
/ ˈɪmplɪmənt/ a tool or an instrument, often one that is quite simple and that is used outdoors :
agricultural implements
late Middle English (in the sense article of furniture, equipment, or dress ): partly from medieval Latin implementa (plural), partly from late Latin implementum filling up, fulfilment, both from Latin implere fill up (later employ), from in- in + Latin plere fill. The verb dates from the early 18th cent.