/ ˈplʌndə(r); NAmE / verb , noun
■ verb
to steal things from a place, especially using force during a time of war
SYN loot :
[ v ]
The troops crossed the country, plundering and looting as they went.
[ vn ]
The abbey had been plundered of its valuables.
—compare pillage
► plun·der·er noun
■ noun [ U ]
the act of plundering
things that have been stolen, especially during a war, etc.
—compare pillage
mid 17th cent.: from German plündern , literally rob of household goods, from Middle High German plunder household effects. Early use of the verb was with reference to the Thirty Years War (reflecting German usage); on the outbreak of the Civil War in 1642, the word and activity were associated with the forces under Prince Rupert.